The Greyfriars team is highly experienced and has a shared vision of delivering excellence for our students

Angela Griffiths


Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner

Course Director/Lecturer

IAVRPT – International Association of Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

NARCH – National Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists

Founder member of NARCH (UK), SAARCH (South Africa) and AACH (Asean Region)

Angela opened Greyfriars Rehabilitation Referrals in 2001 and has been the clinical lead at Greyfriars for over twenty years, supervising the team of three veterinary physiotherapists, veterinary surgeon, canine hydrotherapists and administration support staff.

She has always been welcoming to veterinary professionals and hydrotherapists wishing to develop their skills. She believes training should be academically challenging, hands-on and exciting so all students feel a real sense of achievement on completion of their studies, leaving Greyfriars with a good personal understanding of the need for high ethical standards and professionalism.

Angela also leads the team of superb care professionals and lecturers working together to develop qualifications and continuing education courses. In 2018 the team, together with qualification awarding body OCNLR London, developed a new suite of OFQUAL regulated UK canine hydrotherapy qualifications. The aim was to regulate who was permitted to teach qualifications and to raise both education and assessment standards in the UK.

She regularly lectures in the UK and overseas and, together with Dr Megan Kelly BVSc, CCRP founded HydroWebinar to bring education to a wider international audience who may not have easy access to training or reliable information about canine hydrotherapy. A regular contributor to Online Pethealth, a web based veterinary rehabilitation education platform, Angela has provided many webinars (which remain part of the reference library) including Water Management, Calculating Water Balance, Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics, Hydrotherapy for Neurological Cases, Geriatric Cases, Swimmers Syndrome, Dogs with Increased Tone – Water Treadmill or Pool?

Increasingly her energies have been focussed on issues of animal welfare and professionalism in hydrotherapy. Linked to this is further development of specialist overseas training programs delivered by the dedicated and experienced team at Greyfriars International Training.

Special interests;

Spinal injury and trauma patients
Service and Assistance dogs
Geriatric patients
Working dogs – particularly Police, Fire Service and Armed Services

Katherine Parsons


Veterinary Physiotherapist


Royal Society of Chartered Physiotherapists.

ACPAT – Association Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy.

NARCH – National Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists.

Kate graduated as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 2010 from the University of Essex. Following graduation Kate travelled and worked as a physiotherapist in Africa, spending time in Ghana, Tanzania and Zanzibar working in the fields of burns, neurology and orthopaedics. On her return to the UK she completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Physiotherapy at the University of the South West of England (Hartpury 2013) followed by Small Animal Hydrotherapy training at Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation Referrals in 2014.

She opened FootFalls Canine Physiotherapy clinic in April 2014, providing a range of rehabilitation treatment for small animals. The clinic offered a full range of electrotherapy treatments including ultrasound, laser therapy for both pain and wound management, laser acupuncture, biomagnetics and hydrotherapy. FootFalls also provided placement opportunities for Veterinary, Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy students from a range of UK universities.

Kate attended the 2021 European Flyball Championships in Belgium as the GB team veterinary physiotherapist. The team have regular assessments and training sessions with Kate utilising both hydrotherapy and the Gait Analysis treadmill. The Gait Analysis treadmill is used to identify / pinpoint gait issues as well as to monitor progress within rehabilitation programs and inform treatment plans.

Kate has been working closely with Angela Griffiths and the team at Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation Referrals for several years. Both as a practitioner and, more recently, delivering training programs both in the UK and overseas. She is an inspiring teacher and goes above and beyond to help her students. Kate has lectured on training courses in Canada, Singapore and Hong Kong and is a key part of the team developing new training opportunities via Greyfriars International Training. She lectured on Gait Assessment at the 2023 NARCH Education Seminar.

Lorna Colley


Education Advisor/Marker

Lorna became a Registered Canine Hydrotherapist with NARCH in 2011 having completed training at Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation Referrals training centre. Lorna managed her own hydrotherapy centre for twelve years had a special interest in geriatric patients and those with osteoarthritis. She enjoyed helping owners manage these issues offering support, educational materials and guidance where appropriate.

Lorna was a NARCH committee member for several years helping to produce RCH documentation and carrying out hydrotherapy centre audits. In 2020 she was highly involved in the compiling of Covid guidance and protocols for members.

Lorna became a NARCH Approved Practical Trainer and Assessor (N.A.P.T.A) developing the practical hydrotherapy skills of those hydrotherapists needing to achieve practical hydrotherapy hours towards a qualification or those trained hydrotherapists wishing to enrich their practical abilities.

Lorna has a Level 7 Post Graduate Diploma in Education and has twenty years of experience in teaching, with a focus on Teacher Training and Student mentoring, placements and practical assessment. Working with Manchester Metropolitan University, whilst Senior Teacher, she was involved in the development of Teacher Training programs and student training materials. As a Senior Lecturer at Wolverhampton University her role included student lecturing, support and the supervision of teaching placements in Primary Schools.

She is now continuing with her passion to encourage and support the education and development of others in her work with Greyfriars International Training. Offering encouragement for students to achieve a high standard of understanding in the science of hydrotherapy, whilst maintaining a desire to give the best care possible for clients and patients alike.

Lorna continues to enjoy her two Border Collie companions and regularly competes in agility shows with the help of the therapeutic benefits of hydrotherapy for both dogs and herself.

Anna Tong

Certificate in Canine Behaviour & Training, UNITEC, New Zealand

L3 Certificate Hydrotherapy for Small Animals

Training Partner

Anna was a veteran in hotels and hospitality for over 30 years.  She made a career change in 2004 after obtaining her certification in Canine Behaviour & Training in New Zealand.

Prior to her career change, she has led the team at the Singapore Kennel Club Obedience and Training Committee. She has supported local welfare groups, fostering their rescues and she has been a ‘failed foster’ more than a few times.  She currently supports stray feeders by contributing and co-ordinating food deliveries.

During her years of study Anna observed that there were dogs that were either overweight or who walked abnormally.  She did some research and realised that there were no facilities for dogs with injuries or disabilities and no post-surgical rehabilitation available in Singapore.  This was what led her to open Hydro Paws Plus over fourteen years ago.

She obtained her Canine Hydrotherapy Certification through Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation Referrals in the UK and later eturned for Level 4 study. To date she estimates she has achieved over twenty thousand hydrotherapy sessions working closely with several veterinary surgeons on patient referrals.

Anna has always supported training and continuing education for her staff. But she is also generous with those wishing to take up canine hydrotherapy as a career.

Working with Angela Griffiths from Greyfriars she has delivered Canine Hydrotherapy certification courses in Singapore and sponsored a number of education lectures and Canine First Aid training for the dog owners.

Her goal is to grow the education aspect of canine hydrotherapy and improve its standards regionally and to gain recognition and trust from the veterinary profession.

Carolyn Kutchyera


Training Partner

NARCH – National Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists

PACTA – Professional Animal Care and Training Association of BC

IAAMB/ACWT – International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork/Association of Canine Water Therapy

Carolyn opened Coastal Canine Hydrotherapy and Fitness Centre on Vancouver Island, Canada in January 2014. Prior to this, she was contracted to do research and development for the first canine hydrotherapy pool in Manitoba, Canada. In this research, it became very evident that Greyfriars offered the most comprehensive and highest standard of hydrotherapist training available, and thus Carolyn’s lasting relationship with Greyfriars.

Since 2014, she has hosted the full Level 3 Certification course three times, as well as the Level 4 Diploma program, and several add-ons such as Massage for Canine Hydrotherapists and the Level 4 Gait Analysis for Canine Hydrotherapists.

In 2016, Carolyn travelled to the UK for an invaluable 5 day mentorship to observe how Greyfriars’ veterinary rehabilitation and hydrotherapy centre operated, spending time with their veterinarian in the water and observing physiotherapy sessions and gait assessment.

Coastal Canine offers hydrotherapy sessions for conditioning and strengthening of all levels and ages of dogs. Carolyn’s special interest is in developing innovative hydrotherapy exercises for cross training sports dogs and in 2014 she was one of the very first to develop Aquagility.

In 2018 she became a Certified Canine Fitness Trainer from the University of Tenessee and has applied her knowledge to water based fitness. She is an enthusiastic agility player, competing at the National level.

Carolyn has provided canine massage treatment since 2008. She has completed additional studies in Advanced Techniques, Canine Myofascial Release, and Trigger Point Therapy. She has a great interest in, and has taken university studies, in learning theories for adult continuing education and continues to keep abreast of current research on canine learning theory.

Lorren Barham


Lorren Barham
Training Partner

SAAPRA – South African Animal Physical Rehabilitation Association

IAVRPT – International Association of Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

NARCH – National Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists

Lorren opened Pet Wellness Worx in Cape Town, South Africa in November 2014. Prior to this her background was in corporate business management and administration. But her passion for her own Frenchie dogs, both showing and training, led her to follow her dream of turning her pastimes into a new career.

She trained in Canine Hydrotherapy with Greyfriars Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Referrals. Together with Angela Griffiths from Greyfriars she has pioneered and hosted training courses in Cape Town, delivering Level 3 Canine Hydrotherapy Certification, canine first aid programs and Level 4 Gait and Underwater Treadmill courses. She has also facilitated seminars and talks for veterinary professionals enabling further education about canine hydrotherapy and rehabilitation. Lorren is qualified as a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner and a member of IAVRPT.

Lorren is a member of NARCH in the UK and was a founder member of SAARCH – the South African Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists. She continues to strive to be a leader in South Africa for improving standards of excellence in every aspect of rehabilitation.

Pet Wellness Worx offers a holistic approach for a range of treatments including physiotherapy, functional rehabilitation, hydrotherapy, acupuncture and pain management. She provides integrated health and well-being programs for performance athletes, developing puppies and older or geriatric dogs. Lorren is committed to providing the highest quality care for her patients, their owners and referring veterinarians.

Clair Spear

VN, CCRP, Dip Animal Physio, Dip HSA, RCH

Clair Spear

Clair qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2003 and worked in first opinion and referral practices for over ten years.

Over time her interest in rehabilitation grew and she decided to develop her expertise in this area. In 2008 Clair completed a Diploma in Animal Physiotherapy and Canine Hydrotherapy. In 2009 Clair set up Chapel Farm Rehab, near Bristol, a canine rehabilitation and hydrotherapy referral centre offering physiotherapy, pain management and hydrotherapy.

Clair continued her studies with the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, going onto qualify as a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner in 2010. She is a qualified vet nurse assessor (D32/33) and a NAPTA.

In addition to running Chapel Farm Rehab, Clair has set up and runs ‘Farm Fields Dog Daycare’ a daycare activity centre for dogs. This is one of the first commercial daycares in the South West to obtain a 5 star licence. Clair has lectured on canine hydrotherapy, rehabilitation and first aid in the UK and internationally. She regularly attends local animal care colleges to help students with their studies.

Clair has had many animals over the years from her beloved horses to dogs, cats, goats and a tortoise. She has fostered many disabled dogs that have needed help, most of which have become failed fosters! When she’s not out riding her horse, or walking the dogs ,Clair enjoys running half marathons and travelling the world with her family.

Luke Mulholland


Luke Mulholland
Training Partner

Luke has been at the forefront of canine hydrotherapy in Ireland from early 2016. He works with Joanne Mulholland who opened Aqua Dog, Lisburn in 2015 after having several dogs herself that required treatment. Both Luke and Joanne share the goal of delivering high quality and affordable treatment for all small animals.

Aqua Dog Hydrotherapy Rehabilitation and Recreation Centre has grown to be one of Ireland’s leading providers of small animal rehabilitation.

Luke has worked in veterinary hospitals where he led rehabilitation teams. But his main base is at Aqua Dog where he is clinical lead. Here he heads Ireland’s largest team of qualified hydrotherapists, most of whom qualified through Greyfriars. He has become the Irish representative for Eddie’s Wheels, USA.

Luke has become a massive driver towards his goal of raising industry standards for welfare, patient care and treatment in Ireland, reaching out to work alongside Angela Griffiths and Greyfriars International Training to achieve this.

Bev Clarke

Course Administrator

Bev joined Greyfriars in 2017 as a veterinary ambulance driver. Now an administrator, Bev organises training materials and keeps student paperwork and assignments organised on Moodle, our online education platform. She provides invaluable support to the training teams when they are overseas.

In her spare time Bev volunteers for a number of greyhound rescue organisations and often drives long distances to transport greyhounds, whippets and lurchers to rescue centres, foster and forever homes. Of course she has two whippets and a rescue lurcher at home!